Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Mum Steez | January Edition

It's been a while since I did one of these hasn't it but Polyvore shut down and I've struggled to find an alternative tbh! However, I've found one and I'm back so here's the January edit. 

If you wear anything other than leggings and over sized jumpers in January then you obviously didn't overindulge at Christmas. Leggings don't have to be boring though, I love my wet look leggings at the mo and I practically live in them because they're stretchy, flattering and the comfiest things ever. Who wants to be squeezing into jeans when you're practically still full of brie and prosecco? 

Paired with an oversized jumper to hide those Christmas sins, some platform Vans (my faaaave) and a slouchy bag to put snacks and toys in and you're ready to tackle soft play, museums or playgrounds  (or whatever it is we do in January) by being comfy and looking cute af.

Rachael xo

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