Sunday, 26 January 2020

Life | Finding my Voice

I've always loved writing and I started blogging way back in 2012 believe it all not after being inspired by Burkatron. My blog posts were awful though, they lacked creativity and originality but it was all really new to me. I've been through so many different 'brands' since then from Jegz Loves Tea, to Girl Behind the Blue Door and eventually, my third baby, Tots and Tantrums.

To be honest I never really wanted to stick to one niche such as parenting but I just wasn't interesting enough (or just too lazy) to be a lifestyle blogger. I know it's a risky game branding your blog around your kids isn't it but it's what I know, I'm with them all the friggin' time so it's quite easy to find something to write about. I toyed with the name Tots and Tantrums for ages before fully committing to it and while I know this blog most likely has a shelf life it'll still be good to look back on in years to come. 

Tots and Tantrums was born in December 2016, just before Henry came into our lives (I can't believe it's been three years) and I guess I got sucked into what I thought mum bloggers should sound like. The truth is it's not really me, not that there's anything wrong with that style of writing of course. Despite my Facebook page being quite casual and sounding like my common self, my blog was far less me and it took me a year on my own to rediscover myself - without sounding like too much of a pretentious wanker. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I'm loads happier these days and I feel more myself than I have for a really really long time which I feel has reflected in my writing. I reckon I've found myself properly after an unplanned albeit much needed hiatus. I genuinely never thought I'd see the day I'd fall back in love with blogging again but here we are...

Here's to 2020!

Rachael xo

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