Thursday, 9 November 2017

School | Life With A Pre-Schooler

Life With Preschooler

On the 18th September this year, my precious first born started his first day of pre-school. Part of me didn't want him to go, he was too little, he was only just three eight days prior. Pete and I walked him the ten minute journey to school and he looked so smart and grown up in his uniform. When we arrived at the school gates, he trotted into his classroom without a second glance at us! I was relieved but also secretly a bit gutted that he didn't care. Selfish right? At 1.30 we picked him up and I was beyond excited to hear about his day but naturally, trying to make conversation with a three year old can be compared to drawing blood from a stone. With a lot of specific questions from myself and Pete we've actually learned a lot from the short time he has been there, he has lots of friends, his favourite toy is the trains and there is one boy in particular he isn't quite fond of or so to speak. 

George stays for lunch at school so I get the whole morning to myself, from 8.45 to 1.30 I am a free woman - or I wish, I still have a  baby to look after, but it suits me just fine. Henry gets some one on one time with me, which I must say is rather difficult when you have a boisterous three year old demanding your undivided attention. When Henry naps, I can get on with my housework, watch some television (yep, grown up stuff - RuPaul's Drag Race anyone?), blog or even nap. I must say napping and watching telly normally take priority but hey, I like to procrastinate. I love having that time to spend doing things for myself and with Henry without having to juggle spending time with George too. 

When George comes home from school he is normally quite tired so we chill in the afternoon which is a bonus because he will sit and watch cartoons and I can have a cuppa in semi-peace! He went through a little phase of crying when he came out of school which I think was a combination of tiredness and relief that I was there. This past week has been brilliant though and it is amazing to see him coming out of school with a smile.

We recently attended our first parents evening and I had no idea what to expect but his key worker sung his praises, she said he's popular, his confidence is growing and he's the first child to move along their reward chart. I think I almost burst with pride. You see, Pete was worried about him  starting school because he's a bit of a law unto himself our George, but I knew school would do him some good and he's definitely proved me right. Although he needs to work on his concentration (I mean he's a very clever little boy so he is always looking or something to do to keep him entertained - it's exhausting, but what three year old can concentrate all the time?) he seems to be thriving and I am so glad we sent him when we did.

The only thing with him only doing mornings is that I find we're limited to what we can do, for example I went Christmas shopping last week and was so conscious of being back home in time for him to go to school but I guess it would be the same if he did afternoons because we'd be waiting around all morning for him to go. It's all so new to us I think we are still trying to find our own routine but I love having a pre-schooler, I love hearing about his friends and his day. 

George never went to nursery to this is all very new to me, but earlier this week we went to our local park and one of his school friends was there and I just loved hearing her shout "Georgie" and watching them play together, it really was the sweetest thing! He even walked to school with another of his friends this week, straight into the gates and into the classroom before I'd even caught up with him! 

I am going to miss him so much when he starts full time but thankfully we have two years of pre-school to look forward to first! 

Does your little one enjoy school?

Rachael xo

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