Tuesday 24 October 2017

Days Out | Jedi School at Spaceport

jedi school at spaceport
Photo by Spaceport
[Gifted] Pete really likes Star Wars and honestly I don't see the big deal with it but that's because I've never watched it! It's kind of like that episode of How I Met Your Mother when Ted shows Stella the movie and it's really important she watches it and likes it before they get married blah blah, so I reckon that's why we're not married yet (ha!). So when we were invited to join the Jedi School down at Spaceport this half term I jumped at the chance, I thought this will get me extra cool girlfriend points amirite? 

jedi school at space port
Photo by Spaceport

We went into the planetarium where the Jedi School took place and I was really unsure as to how George would be when we got in there as it was full of older kids and he lacks concentration at the best of  times. As it happens George was more interested in the babies behind us which he kept getting up to tickle every five seconds. I always get dead paranoid when George touches other kids because some parents might be a bit funny about it but they seemed okay anyway.

Luke Skywalker and Padawan asked the audience questions and made everybody get up and do Jedi moves so I got up with George and he kept running away to look at the babies and I was basically dancing about on my own because Pete was just sitting on his reclining planetarium chair all comfy like. Two members of the audience were then invited up to perform their new Jedi mind tricks and knock the Jedis over which was really good. There was this one kid who loved Star Wars so much he was practically jumping out of his seat to be involved. It was really cute because he was just so into it and so excited.

jedi school at space port
Photo by Spaceport
George got a little bit scared when the Jedis went out to fight Darth Vader and to be fair it was pretty tense. I was a bit disappointed because the fighting action was all on screen although given the size of the room it would have been difficult to do inside. When the Jedis came back in we thought they had defeated the evil Sith lord but how wrong we were. Cue scary music and Darth Vader walked in through the back door. We all had to use the force to defeat him but it wasn't powerful enough despite there being 20 of us against one little Sith so he must be strong or something! Anyway we all booed the evil man out of the room and faith was restored. Hurrah!

The experience was aimed for children aged 6+ so George was a bit young for it to be honest and he's yet to see Star Wars (I'm sure it won't be long before Pete brainwashes him) but he might have recognised some of the characters from daddy's pyjamas. I enjoyed it considering I'm not really a fan of Star Wars so I wouldn't even say you had to be massively into it to go, especially if you have kids or even a fella who likes it. 

There was also a meet and greet at the end of the show where Luke and Darth Maul came out but George was a bit scared of Darth Maul (he is creepy with that red and black mask though to be fair). I felt like a bit of a div when he came out because George asked me who he was and I couldn't remember his name, luckily Luke came to the rescue though - thanks mate. 

jedi school at space port
I was totally unprepared for a photo after my 8am driving lesson, and trek to Rhythym Time but Pete refused to get in the picture
The Jedi School is at Spaceport for the whole of half term week (23rd Oct - 27th Oct) and you can book tickets here. Upstairs they have a huge collection of Star Wars memorabilia at the Sci-Fi Icons exhibition. While you're there you can look at all the exhibits in the Spaceport and there's also a couple of rides for the kids as well. Obviously with a baby and toddler in tow we didn't get the opportunity to check these out - at one point George actually ran through the ride exit and pressed some buttons for the ride! No lie. Toddlers just have no cares in the world do they? 

What are you up to this half term?

Rachael xo

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