Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Family | The Importance of One on One Time

For two whole years, George has been the centre of our world, and when I say 'our' I don't just mean, mine and Pete's, I mean everybodys. He was the first grandchild, the first great grandchild and the first great nephew. Needless to say, my entire family were besotted and I am so lucky in the fact my family have always looked after George, whether I be in work or not. I loved being a mum of one and to be honest, I wasn't ready for baby number two just yet (now Henry is here, I wouldn't have it any other way of course). I was worried I wouldn't be able to get the balance just right, splitting myself in two and having to share myself with someone else just as demanding as my toddler. That's why one on one time is so important to little ones. My friend recently went from one to two and she advised me that spending one on one time is so important for first borns so they still get your undivded attention, so we started implenting this when Henry came home from hospital. 

Pete would take George swimming or to the park and I would enjoy some time at home with Henry (mostly sleeping) and it was great. Then Pete went back to work and I was left with the two boys on my own, daunting right? Luckily, I knew what to expect because so many people had warned me how hard it would be. How was I going to give George as much attention as I had done before the arrival of his new baby brother? 

I try to keep him included in everything I do when it comes to the baby, asking George to bring me nappies/ wipes etc and making a big deal out of how he's my special helper. Sometimes though, this doesn't work because you know, two year olds are a law unto themselves. I will be the first to admit I am a massive stress head and there are days when George rattles my cage, for example, one day last week, he was just in one of those horrible toddler moods. You know the ones? Throwing toys in temper, smacking and refusing to do just about anything. My nan had offered to take Henry out for the day and when she arrived to pick him up, I cried on her about how horrible my toddler was. I didn't mean it, I was stressed, he was acting out because he wanted attention. 

When my nan left and I'd calmed down, George and I left the house and headed to soft play (which annoyingly was closed). George was NOT happy - obviously, but when he settled down he asked if we could go feed the ducks, so that's what we went to do. Four wasted train journeys later, we were back in our local park and going on an adventure as George liked to call it. We fed ducks, got chased by geese, climbed rocks, went on the swings, ate ice cream, played hide and seek and then ran in all the mud (my shoes still need cleaning ugh). It was amazing, we had such a lovely day and my two year old wasn't terrible, he was a dream. No tantrums leaving the park (as he was mostly bribed with the promise of a bath with mummy when he got home). And that's exactly what we did, we came home and splashed each other in the bath followed by lots of cuddles. It was perfect. It was like it was before Henry was born and George loved having his mummy all to himself. 

If Henry is on my knee and George is crying, he will tell me to put Henry in his basket so he can cuddle me. There are also times when George is upset so I make the effort to give Henry to his dad and make sure that I am there to comfort George and I want George to know this. That's why one on one time is so important and we love it. Plus, it's so much easier looking after one child - win win situation! 

What's your favourite thing to do with your little one?

Rachael xo


  1. Me and my 2 year old go swimming once a week while our baby stays with Daddy. I love it, no phone, we never go with friends, just the two of us and he has my undivided attention

    1. Sounds perfect! I can't wait to take George swimming again, it's been ages since we've been!
