Henry turned one at the end of January. One. I honestly cannot believe how quickly his birthday came round. One minute he was a squishy newborn the next he was toddling round and just oozing character. Due to his birthday being so close to Christmas we struggled to come up with anything to buy him. So we didn't. This is why I never bought my one year old any birthday presents.
When you're one you don't really have a clue what is going on. You're just happy to play, eat and sleep. You have no concept of time or age or well... anything. You see, my house constantly looks like Toys R Us has thrown up on it despite having regular clear outs and we didn't want to add to the chaos for the sake of it.
Henry had just received loads of new clothes, books and toys for Christmas therefore there was nothing he actually needed. Instead, we threw him a mini tea party (which typically he slept through of course) and brought in George's old slide from the garden. He was none the wiser and got gifts off friends and family members and we didn't add to the clutter! Win. Win.
Part of me felt really guilty which is ridiculous because he's hardly deprived! I think if he was my first I wouldn't have but when George turned one we went to the zoo, bought him toys, books and even a swing for the garden. We went a bit overboard if I'm completely honest but I think the majority of us do with our first don't we?
In my opinion there's far too much bragging for social media sake and parenthood seems so competitive. My boys will never want for nothing and my motto is "if I've got it, you can have it" within reason of course, there are definitely more important things in life than materialistic possessions.
We made memories for Henry's birthday which is far more important than some toy that would be cast aside and forgotten about until the next time we have a mass toy sort out!
What do you think to buying presents for a one year old?
Rachael xo
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